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Bourne Alliance Multi Academy Trust

Everyone matters, everyone belongs

CEO Welcome

Dear all, 

As the Chief Executive of Bourne Alliance Multi Academy Trust, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all. 

Bourne Alliance MAT is a newly formed Multi Academy Trust, established in September 2022, through the merger of two existing local Trusts that have been serving the Sittingbourne area.  Our Trust comprises of three mainstream primaries, Bobbing Village School, Grove Park Primary and Iwade School as well as the special school, Aspire. 

The name Bourne was put forward by the parents during our consultation with all stakeholders.  This is where the Saxon name for Sittingbourne originates. Essentially meaning ‘the hamlet by the bourne’ (small stream).  The word Alliance represents our commitment to working closely with other schools in our area, other MAT’s in Kent and across our own schools. 

We are an outward-facing Trust and we are dedicated to moving forward and keeping up with best practices to ensure our pupils receive the highest standard of education. We believe in working collaboratively with other schools and organisations to enhance our practices continually and providing better opportunities for our pupils.  

Throughout the Trust, we work collaboratively in teams in all areas, looking for the most efficient and effective ways to work. We take pride in striving to make Bourne Alliance MAT a great place to work, and we place continuous professional development for all our staff at the heart of our Trust. We believe that it is crucial to ensure that all our staff members have the necessary skills and expertise to provide our pupils with the best possible primary school provision, academically, emotionally, socially and physically.  

I am honoured to lead such a fabulous, dedicated team of professionals who have the children at the forefront of all they do. We are committed to working together with our pupils, parents, and the wider community to achieve our shared goals and aspirations. 

Thank you for choosing Bourne Multi Academy Trust, and I look forward to working with you to ensure that our pupils thrive and succeed. 

Yours Faithfully, 

Diane Browning,  

Chief Executive of Bourne Alliance MAT